Kauai Ancient Sites

Hauola City of Refuge
Hauola City of Refuge was a pu'uhonua (place of refuge) in ancient Hawaii. It was a sanctuary for kapu (taboo) breakers who could come here to escape prosecution.

Hikinaakala Heiau
Hikinaakala means the rising of the sun in the Hawaiian language. In ancient Hawaii, the dawn was celebrated here with chants and prayers. The exact date when the heiau was built is unknown, but it is believed that it was as early as the 1300s.

Holoholoku Heiau
This heiau was used for human sacrifice in ancient Hawaii, mainly prisoners of war. Others who were killed here were those who had broken a kapu (who had done something that was forbidden, such as walking in the shadow of a chief).

Maniniholo Dry Cave
The Maniniholo Dry Cave is easily accessible as it is located right on the main highway across from Ha'ena Beach Park on Kauai's north shore. It is at the bottom of a steep cliff and is about 300 yards (274 m) deep.

Menehune (Alekoko) Fishpond
This fishpond is said to have been built in just one night by the menehune, the mythical little people of Kauai. They did this by lining up from the village of Makaweli, 25 miles (40 km) away, passing stones hand-by-hand.

Pohaku Ho'ohanau (Royal Birthstones)
The Royal Birthstones is a sacred Hawaiian site. In the old times it was important that all of Kauai’s kings were born here. Within the stone enclosure once stood a grass shack, where the mother-to-be stayed prior to giving birth.

Poli'ahu Heiau
Poli'ahu Heiau is located within the Wailua River State Park. It is one of seven heiau along the Wailua River. The age of the heiau is unknown, though it is believed that it was built by the menehune, the legendary little people of Hawaii.