Moloa'a Bay

Moloaa Bay

Moloa'a Bay, Kauai

Moloa'a Bay is one of the lesser-known beaches on Kauai, located on the island's northeastern shore. It is a pretty beach, framed by hilly dunes and green vegetation. When the ocean is calm, swimming is possible and best on the right (southeast) side of the bay.

The currents in this area can be strong and since there is a lot of coral reef on the ocean bottom of the bay, it is best to enter the water with reef shoes. From the bay, a hiking trail leads along the coast toward nearby Larsen's Beach further north.

Parking is very limited at Moloa'a Bay, especially on weekends. You may have to park a little further away from the beach and walk the rest to it.

Moloa'a Bay Overview

  • Pretty bay on Kauai's northeastern shore
  • Enter the ocean only during calm seas due to strong currents in this area
  • Some scenes of the pilot episode of the TV show Gilligan's Island were filmed here
  • Limited vacation rental options

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