Phallic Rock

Phallic Rock

Phallic Rock (Kaule o Nanahoa), Molokai

This is an ancient Hawaiian site of love and fertility. The Phallic Rock (its Hawaiian name is Kaule o Nanahoa, meaning “the penis of Nanahoa”) has been standing erect for generations at what is now known as the Pala'au State Park. It can easily be reached by walking on a short forest trail from the Kakaupapa Lookout parking lot (a 5-minute walk).

An ancient legend tells of the male fertility god Nanahoa, who lived in this area. His wife Kawahuna one day caught Nanahoa admiring a young girl. She got upset and pulled the girl by her hair. Nanahoa then got mad and struck his wife, who then fell down the cliff and turned into stone. Nanahoa then turned into the stone you see today, the Phallic Rock.

In the ancient Hawaii infertile women came here to pray, bring offerings and spend the night in hopes of conceiving a child. Even today women still come here in hopes of getting pregnant soon.

Phallic Rock Overview

  • Natural rock formation, but has been slightly “enhanced” by man over the years
  • Located on the summit of Nanahoa Hill (1,560 feet elevation), about 200 yards from the Kalaupapa Lookout
  • Surrounded by tall ironwood trees
  • Phallic Rock is about 5 feet tall from the tip of its head to the ground
  • Another boulder nearby, Kawahuna, has the form of female genitalia (located southwest of the Phallic Rock)
  • Women come here to pray and give offerings in hopes of getting pregnant

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Reviews and Comments:
I was a young traveler in 1980 who visited this rock with NO desire to get pregnant. (I had an IUD.)

Guess what? 9 months later I had a beautiful baby boy. Thank you Nanahoa.
RMC, Mon Sep 09, 2019
My brought my wife here back in January 2008. We had been hoping for our first child for a couple years. We now have a 9 your old daughter, naturally conceived shortly after that visit. I'm not superstitious, but this is my true story.
AM, Mon Oct 08, 2018
Me and two of my friends came here and the hike is very nice. However I will mention that two of us got pregnant pretty much right after this and now all of our babies are 2 years apart! THIS SHIT WORKS
Jessica Martin, Fri Jul 06, 2018
Interesting rock formation! I heard if you want to get pregnant this rock brings you good luck so I went and I touched it :) Now I am pregnant! I loved the hike to the rock too. It was easy and all you could hear is the wind in the trees and a far away sound of breaking waves.
Lea, Feb 17, 2012