Paka'a Beach

Pakaa Beach

Paka'a Beach, Molokai

Paka'a Beach (view panorama) × on Molokai's west shore is a small rocky bay. There is no sandy beach. Some local residents come here to go diving and fishing. Other than that there isn't much to do here. Access is via a beach access road from Pohakuloa Road.

There is no sign with the beach name on it, only a sign that says “Beach Public Right-of-Way,” so the beach is easy to miss if you don't have a map with you and therefore don't know which beach access road to take. Paka'a Beach is located between Po'olau Beach to the north and Dixie Maru Cove to the south.

Paka'a Beach Overview

  • Small rocky bay
  • No swimming possible
  • Rocky beach and ocean bottom

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Reviews and Comments:
We found this place by accident. We were actually headed to Poolau Beach but found Pakaa instead. This is certainly not a beach to swim at. Too many sharp rocks, but if you want to take a unique photo of lava rocks and ocean it is a good stop. There is a short trail that leads to the shore. As we were walking down the trail we noticed a small cat following us. She was so cute and friendly and it didn't take us long to make friends with her.
Lisa, Sep 26, 2011