Kane'aki Heiau

Kane'aki Heiau

Kane'aki Heiau, Oahu

Please note: Kane'aki Heiau is currently closed until further notice.

Built in the 16th century, Kane'aki Heiau is considered the best preserved heiau on Oahu. It is located on the island's leeward (west) side in Makaha Valley. One reason why the heiau is in such a good shape is because it has been completely restored. It was reconstructed with traditional ohia tree logs and pili, a bunchgrass, and includes an altar, god images, two prayer towers, a drum house and a taboo house.

The heiau is dedicated to Lono, the god of agriculture and fertility. A large stone at the heiau is “Pohaku o Kane” (Stone of Kane). Kane is one of the major gods and is regarded as the guardian over the heiau up until today. King Kamehameha used to worship here and the heiau was in use until his death in 1812.

Kane'aki Heiau Overview

  • Currently the heiau is closed until further notice
  • Best restored heiau on Oahu
  • Located on private property in Makaha Valley on the island's leeward side
  • The inside area of the heiau is kapu (off-limits)

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Reviews and Comments:
When I was just a kid and we lived nearly at the top of Jade Street, my dad would write letters to the Chinaman who owned so much of the property up there, to get permission for us to climb his
Gate and hike through the jungle to get to Kaneaki Heiau. It had not been restored then (in the 50’s and early 60’s) but was beautiful beyond measure. By keeping quite still we could hear and feel the magic of the place. I would sit with one of the rather tame peacocks on my lap. We were the only ones back then, never ran into anyone else.
Penny Einmo, Mon May 16, 2022
been more than a decade since i was there. unlikely it will ever be open to the public again. was lucky enough to be allowed to visit there with one of my close friends
Vincent Eblacas, Sun Feb 18, 2018
Heiau is closed because the hillside is unstable and large boulders roll down after heavy rains.
The residents cannot afford the expenses of an engineer or the costs of stabilizing the. Mountainside
PM Kawai, Sun Oct 15, 2017
We always visited this site on every visit to Oahu. Up until about 2010, that is, when we discovered that it has been closed. Locals tell us that, since the site is located within the boundaries of a gated community, the residents exerted their influence to have the site closed because they (the residents) didn't like the non-residents coming into their community. We were never at the heiau when there were more than perhaps three cars visiting, sometimes we were the only visitors. It's a shame that the public can no longer visit what we believe is the best heiau in Hawaii.
M. Scott McMannis, Thu Jan 21, 2016
Does anyone know when the Kaneaki heiau will reopen? It's been closed at least three years.
Joann Levey, Sat Apr 18, 2015
March 2014 - I called the phone no. above and was told the heiau has been closed for about a year and it isn't known when it'll reopen.
HI resident, Tue Mar 18, 2014