Pohaku Lana'i
Pohaku Lana'i, Oahu
What looks like a giant stone mushroom are actually two limestones, one sitting on top of the other (view panorama)×. This ancient site is also referred to as a balancing rock. The lower portion is about 6 feet (1.8 m) high and the top one is balanced on the lower platform. Altogether the two rocks are about 12 feet (3.7 m) high and 93 feet (28.3 m) in circumference.
Legend has it that the limestone floated ashore from the distant land of Kahiki. Hawaiian chiefs used to worship their local god here. It is also believed that the stone was used as a lookout point for fishermen.
Pohaku Lana'i Overview
- Two limestones, one sitting on top of the other
- Looks like a giant stone mushroom
- Legend says that the stone floated across the Pacific from the distand land of Kahiki