Hawaii Trees

Almond Tree (Prunus dulcis)

Almond Tree (Prunus dulcis)

Almond is a small tree that grows to a height of up to 33 feet (10 m). Almonds are not a true nut, but rather a drupe, which consist of an outer hull and a shell with the seed (the nut) inside.

Banana Tree

Banana Tree

Even though it is listed here in the tree section, banana is actually not a tree, even though some varieties can reach heights of up to 30 feet (9 m). The banana plant's trunks are leaf stems.

Banyan Tree (Ficus, various)

Banyan Tree (Ficus, various)

People who see a banyans for the first time often gaze at them in awe. Some banyans can be giants, such as the Indian banyan, which is one of the broadest-spreading trees in the world.

Breadfruit Tree (Artocarpus altilis)

Breadfruit Tree (Artocarpus altilis)

The breatfruit tree has big green leaves up to 2 feet (61 cm) long. Polynesians on voyaging canoes brought this tree to Hawaii because of its fruit, which can be boiled or roasted.

Coconut Tree (Cocos nucifera)

Coconut Tree (Cocos nucifera)

There are dozens of coconut palm tree species of Hawaii. All but one, the loulu (genus Pritchardia), were brought here by humans. About 19 types of loulu exist in the Island, but they are rare.

Eucalyptus Tree (Eucalyptus, various)

Eucalyptus Tree (Eucalyptus, various)

More than 90 eucalyptus species have been introduced to Hawaii. Eucalyptus trees grow fast and can reach heights of up to 300 feet (91 m), making them the tallest hardwood trees in the world.

Golden Shower Tree (Cassia fistula)

Golden Shower Tree (Cassia fistula)

Native to southern Asia, the golden shower tree grows fast and up to 33-66 feet (10-20 m) tall. When in bloom its yellow flowers are a pretty sight and like a "golden shower."

Hala Tree (Pandanus tectorius)

Hala Tree (Pandanus tectorius)

The hala tree, also referred to as screwpine, grows from sea level up to an elevation of 2,000 feet (610 m). It is a common sight in Hawaii's coastal regions, mainly on the windward sides.

Jacaranda Tree (Jacaranda mimosifolia)

Jacaranda Tree (Jacaranda mimosifolia)

Native to South America, the jacaranda tree was introduced to Hawaii around 1900. Jacaranda trees are a beautiful sight each year in the spring when they are in full bloom.

Koa Tree (Acacia koa)

Koa Tree (Acacia koa)

The koa is Hawaii's most common native tree. Koa trees grow fast and can reach heights of 100 feet (30 m). The beautiful reddish-brown koa wood is prized for its strength and weight.

Macadamia Tree (Macadamia integrifolia)

Macadamia Tree (Macadamia integrifolia)

Native to Australia, the macadamia nut tree was first introduced to Hawaii in 1890. Macadamia nuts are very hard and dense, and it is impossible to crack their brown shell with one's hand only.

Mangrove Tree (Rhizophora mangle)

Mangrove Tree (Rhizophora mangle)

Mangrove trees grow in places where other trees would never take root, such as in seaside marshes, in saltwater or brackish water. To avoid drowning, the tree grows stilt roots above the water.

Noni Tree (Morinda citrifolia)

Noni Tree (Morinda citrifolia)

Commonly known as Indian mulberry, the noni tree was brought to Hawaii by the early Hawaiians. They treasured the fruit for its many uses, including the treatment of common ailments, such as wounds.

Papaya Tree (Carica papaya)

Papaya Tree (Carica papaya)

Papaya trees usually only live for about 10 years, in which time they are very productive. The papaya fruit has either yellow, orange or red meat and the core of the fruit contains black round seeds.

Royal Poinciana Tree (Delonix regia)

Royal Poinciana Tree (Delonix regia)

Royal Poinciana trees are small trees with fern fronds and when in bloom laden with red, orange and yellow flowers. In the winter months the ferns and flowers drop to the ground and the trees stand bare.

Sausage Tree (Kigelia africana)

Sausage Tree (Kigelia africana)

The kigelia tree is more commonly known as sausage tree, referring to the sausage-like fruit it bears. It is interesting to look at because of its unusual looking fruit, but it is not a good idea to have a picnic in the tree's shade.